[…] Programs supported by the hospital’s grant investments include the Western Massachusetts Training Consortium ($22,000) and the Wilbraham Police Department ($8,000).
The Western Massachusetts Training Consortium funding will help provide an enhanced recovery-support network to the region and improve access to harm reduction and multiple pathways to recovery services. The consortium will use its unique Recovery Coaching program and community partnerships to support local efforts to reduce the opioid death rate, decrease stigma, and increase safety for opioid users in the region.
“We are so grateful that Representative Smola has joined with other compassionate and responsive legislators who have been championing community-led efforts to address the opioid epidemic,” said Kristel Applebee, executive director of the consortium. “This funding will go a long way to help us channel the energy that is already so strong among the communities in the Baystate Wing service area, and connect those who have faced marginalization, oppression, or otherwise felt invisible with equitable recovery supports. We want to make sure everyone knows about the Ware Regional Recovery Center.”