The Support Network

Children with emotional or behavioral challenges have their own unique needs.   The Support Network supports parents or caregivers  who have children, adolescents, and transition age youth effectively navigate through the various systems of care and become strong and successful advocates for their children.

The Network’s goal is to support the unique strengths, insights and skills of families so they may best achieve their individual goals. We do this by offering individual or group support, information on special education and other resources, opportunity to attend trainings and conferences or to participate in child serving agency advisory forums, and also access to an extensive lending library.

Through one-to-one contacts, parent meetings and participation in workshops and conferences, the Support Network for Families provides:

Support– sharing experiences in a nonjudgmental setting of trust and acceptance
Advocacy– supporting and empowering families in their advocacy efforts through education and training
Resources– providing information about community programs and services
Networking– developing a collaborative relationship with professionals as well as other parents in the community.

Families who are part of the Network:

•    Become connected with other families in ways that help reduce feelings of aloneness and isolation
•    Learn ways to reach their goals
•    Participant in support meetings
•    Attend local, state and regional conferences and workshops (the Network helps with costs)
•    Meet with state and federal legislators to discuss health care, health insurance, managed care issues, education issues, respite care concerns and service needs.
•    Participate in Department of Mental Health area and state advisory boards and committees.

Visit The Support Network website for more information.