Get Involved

Come to our main offices in Holyoke any time between 8:30am – 4:30pm, Monday through Friday, to say hello and learn about our work. We are located at 187 High Street, Suite 202, Holyoke, MA 01040.
Click here for directions.
We rely on the people in our communities to assist us with our important work each and every day. Getting an external, objective perspective on our work really helps us to stay fresh and focused, and in turn, we offer a unique experience for each of our volunteers, interns, and community members. We believe strongly that it’s important for the people we support to contribute in a real way and invite each person’s lived experience, skills, and wisdom to influence our work.
Sign up to volunteer here.
Our Board of Directors and Sub-Committees help to guide and inform our work, holding us accountable as a public trust. If you think you might be interested in such an opportunity, please click here to contact Terrie Thompson, Director of Development, to discuss what might be a good fit for you.
Check out our “Employment Listings” under the “Employment” tab for exciting opportunities to join the Consortium team.
View employment listings here.
Follow our programs/communities on social media to find out about specific community events which may be of interest to you. If you don’t see an event you are looking for, call our main office at 413-536-2401, dial ‘0’ and our Administrative Associate will be able to assist you further.
View our calendar here.
We do this work because we fundamentally believe the experience of the community matters. The experience of community heals, and the experience of community requires each of us to FULLY engage.
If your time and talent are fully optimized elsewhere, we invite you to consider making a donation to the Consortium in honor of someone whose ‘lived experience’ has touched your life. None of us are where we are today because we blazed our own trail, independent of all other people – at the Consortium, we believe in community… we believe in YOU!! Help us to create a stronger community that values lived experience.
Donate Now
You too can make a difference!
Please consider making a donation today.