The Western Massachusetts Training Consortium is pleased to announce its new initiative designed to address the spiritual needs of adults with cognitive challenges it serves. The Consortium’s Home & Community Connections residential program has demonstrated a way to offer spiritual support to folks who have developmental disabilities. “The intention of this program has been to support individuals who are interested in identifying their own spirituality or who have described spirituality as a key component of their lives,” said the Rev. Gregory Jones, Spiritual Care Coordinator for the program, “Spirituality is not a focus on any particular religion, but rather on core values, principles and philosophies that reflect personal life experiences.”
Many times individuals and families are in need of moral support as they face tough challenges. The program offers grief support for people coping with the passing of loved ones and friends. In addition, people often seek the spiritual component of the supports offered to rediscover their connection to community sources such as church, synagogues, or mosques. Home and Community Connection’s Spiritual Care Program directly supports the mission of the Consortium: The Western Massachusetts Training Consortium is a learning organization, committed to creating conditions in which people with lived experience pursue their dreams and strengthen our communities through full participation. “We’ve received positive feedback regarding these supports thus far and expect that the practice will deepen over time,” said Marylou Sullivan, Executive Director.
For more information about Home and Community Connection’s Spiritual Care Coordination or other supports, please visit:
Western Massachusetts Training Consortium 40 Years of Creating Conditions for Innovation, Growth and Connections