Looking to add some new green to your garden? People’s Medicine Project is sharing plant seedlings with people who attend our free clinics and community groups that are planting medicinal gardens.  Your purchase of plants helps fund this work towards herbal accessibility for all.

Find People’s Medicine Project’s plant sales at the following locations:


Location: People’s Medicine Apothecary, 204 Bardwell’s Ferry Rd Conway MA


  • Fri May 27th 12-6pm
  • Sat May 28th 9am-12pm
  • Friday June 3rd 12-6pm


Location: Mxed Greens Apothecary, 2 Conz St #20 Northampton MA

Dates: May 26-30 daily 12-6pm

Check out their Facebook and Instagram for an updated list of available plants before each sale, or email:  peoplesmedicinevolunteers@gmail.com.