In the News
Thank you for your dedication
Greenfield Recorder Letter to the Editor - Published: 5/21/2020 9:03:06 AM ... Almost every family has someone who has mental health needs. Those who are close to that person and those who receive services know how important it is for them to have front line...
Recovery groups find new ways to connect during pandemic
By TREVOR DAYTON, DAN BICKFORD and JOHN SULLIVAN For the Gazette Published: 4/29/2020 10:18:33 AM It is often said that the answer to the isolation of addiction is community. That begs the question: How do we stay connected in a world where self-quarantining and...
Confidential free help
Greenfield Recorder - Letter to the Editor Published: 4/21/2020 9:04:20 AM Thank you for sharing the letter from Mary Carey about the increased risk for domestic violence under the COVID-19 stay-at-home order. In addition to the critical support provided by NELCWIT, I...
Consortium Partners with Local Businesses to Support Frontline Workers
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Mary Kate Farley-Dimino Western Massachusetts Training Consortium (413) 536-2401 x5511 Consortium Partners with Local Businesses to Support Frontline Workers During a time of economic uncertainty, local...
Social distancing policies threaten the cornerstone of addiction recovery
By ANDY CASTILLO Staff Writer Published: 3/28/2020 7:00:16 AM ...“Folks in early recovery really need the connection. And, these folks don’t have access to a lot of the online meetings that are going on,” said Peggy Vezina, program director at the RECOVER Project. The...
Mutual Support in an Age of Social Distancing – How One Peer-Run Organization is Adapting to COVID-19
Connection, whether one-on-one or in groups, is at the heart of peer support. In a time when social distancing, shelter-in-place, and stay-at-home orders proliferate, the Western Massachusetts Recovery Learning Community/Wildflower Alliance (WMRLC) is finding creative...
Recovery Coaches Offer Nonjudgmental Support To Fill Addiction Treatment Gaps
By KAREN BROWN • FEB 25, 2020 ...“I’ve taken phone calls from police officers that are literally, you know, hot calls,” said Trevor Dayton, a DART recovery coach [and Northampton Recovery Center member.] “This happened less than 60 minutes ago. Can you call them now?...
GCC summit attendees propose more recovery events, increased transportation
By ZACK DeLUCA Staff Writer Published: 2/19/2020 10:02:53 PM GREENFIELD — Members of Greenfield Community College (GCC) and the surrounding community discussed the possibility of hosting more frequent recovery events and increasing access to affordable transportation...
Northampton Recovery Center to occupy former pastry shop
By BERA DUNAU Staff Writer Published: 2/17/2020 12:05:46 AM NORTHAMPTON — A local nonprofit that helps people struggling with addiction is set to move into the former La Fiorentina pastry shop on Armory Street. “We anticipate being able to move in in May,” said Lynn...
Loving Your Recovery event Saturday
Athol Daily News - Staff Report Published: 2/13/2020 10:04:13 PM ATHOL — The Opioid Task Force of Franklin County and the North Quabbin Region, in collaboration with the North Quabbin Recovery Center, the North Quabbin Community Coalition and the RECOVER Project, is...